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BCRI Valuation Services

office (205) 259-2690
fax (205) 259-2691

Welcome to BCRI

BCRI Valuation Services
is a research and consulting firm. For 40 years, BCRI's founder has been developing economic lives of property, plant & equipment (PP&E). BCRI is internationally recognized as a leader in assessing the pace o f technological change and a pioneer in quantifying its impact on the economic lives and value of fixed assets. Our founder literally wrote the book on combining physical depreciation with technological, economic, and functional obsolescence to yield the true real-world economic life of PP&E and other assets.

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BCRI has the experience and expertise to assist you in managing your assets. Whether your needs include Economic Lives, Depreciation, Valuation, Property Taxes, Capital Recovery, Rate Case support,  Strategic Planning or quantifying the implications of rapid technological and market change, BCRI can help.

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