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BCRI Valuation Services

office (205) 259-2690
fax (205) 259-2691

Depreciation Study & Rate Case Support

In additional to general consulting support, BCRI offers many products and services to support your depreciation study needs.

Electric Generation

Service Lives of Power Plants and Power Plant Generators

Electric utilities and power produces will be interested in BCRI's recently completed study of the observed service lives of power plants and generators. Download...

Steam Turbine Life Results

BCRI's LifeCalc™ Program

This Excel-based program facilitate life analysis of historical mortality data. It supports both Retirement Rate Analysis (Actuarial Analysis) and Simulated Plant-Record (SPR) analysis; all Iowa Curves; and complex banding. learn more?

BCRI's Deprecation & Cost Manual

 This publication contains economic lives and depreciation tables for just under 200 different categories of plant. BCRI updates these tables annually to reflect the realities of the marketplace. learn more?

Typical Iowa Curve

Iowa Curves Workbook

This Excel program makes the Iowa Curves, and related survivor curve parameters (e.g. remaining lives), available within any open Excel file. Learn more?

tf.Innovate tf.Innovate™ provides a comprehensive tool chest of technology and market forecasting tools. Innovate is accessed from within Excel so that its features can be incorporated into your business models. Innovate minimizes the effort needed to forecast the evolution and obsolescence of technologies, and the products & markets governed by technological change.

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